Market Logistics and Considerations
When you consider selling at a farmers market, an important piece of this is the amount and type of products you can bring to market. Having an over-productive garden while being a great thing for your neighbors, friends or family, will not provide the necessary quantity, diversity, or continuity of products necessary to sell at a farmers market. One good measure will be to consider how much product you will need to sell each hour of the market to cover all your costs (labor, insurance, market fees, supplies, etc..) and then make a profit. For example, if you bake bread and sell a loaf for $4, how many loaves will you need to sell before you make back your insurance, market vending fee, etc…)
It is also important to consider the diversity of customers that shop at a farmers market. You want to appeal to a diverse customer base so it is important to understand the demographics of the community of that particular market. Does it have many seniors shopping who are looking for smaller quantities? Or ethnic populations seeking culturally appropriate foods? Understanding the marketplace will ensure you can meet customer needs and set yourself apart.
All of our member markets accept SNAP/EBT and participate in many coupon programs which can be additional income for your farm. You will want to participate in these programs which may have an application process and training associated in order to ensure success. It is also recommended that you consider accepting credit cards through a platform such as Square, Venmo, Apple Pay, Google Pay, etc.. Depending on the types of products you are selling, customers may be more likely to purchase and/or spend additional money if you accept credit cards.
Marketing & Customer Service
Pricing Strategy
Carefully consider your pricing strategy. You’ll need to know your costs of production and what you will need to make a reasonable profit for your products. Remember family expenses are part of the equation, as well, including things like health insurance, college tuition, and retirement planning. Knowing what you will need to charge for your products will also help you find the market that fits your needs.
Finding the right market for you
It helps to do a little research before you join a farmers market. When researching the market(s) you may want to attend, keep in mind that the more popular markets may have waiting lists. Opting for your second choice market will give you the experience you need while your name moves up the waiting list on your first choice options.